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An Interview with a MNPRO Lab Outreach Member

The MNPRO Lab at the University of Minnesota specializes in research concerning protein-misfolding disorders (PMDs). A key component of the lab is the focus on MNPRO outreach to spread awareness about Chronic Wasting Disease. CWD Today spoke to Ms. Tonya Seiler, who has significantly contributed to the MNPRO outreach program.


CWD Today: What do you think is the most effective strategy for spreading awareness about MNPRO and Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD)? 

Ms. Seiler: "People are more likely to respond to/believe/act on information from a source within their community, from someone who shares their values and beliefs. That is why it is so important to have a diversity of representation at events where we interact with the public, and why we strive to share information in a way that facilitates sharing within communities. In short, there are many strategies and many voices."

CWD Today: Have you seen any effects of the gained awareness of CWD?

Ms. Seiler: "One way to measure our advocacy success is by the great number of partnerships we have formed with a wide variety of collaborators including landowners, industry, minority communities, and academic and government institutions worldwide. MNPRO has strong relationships with various Tribal nations across the upper Midwest. Tribal biologists in many of these groups are working to produce first-of-the-kind CWD management plans specifically for Tribal lands, with input from our researchers on the science of the disease--transmission, disease progression, ecology, and materials handling and disposal."

Ms. Seiler also mentioned the importance of distributing CWD information to diverse groups:

"We have a variety of outreach materials calibrated for different audiences. Our CWD Fact Sheet is currently also available in Hmong, Spanish, and French, as well as large print format. We have versions specifically written for Native and Amish communities. Our CWD coloring books have proven to be a very popular creation. These aim to present complicated science about the disease with engaging graphics and accessible language for readers at all levels."


MNPRO outreach continues to draw in large audiences as they spread accurate and useful information about Chronic Wasting Disease. This past summer, the MNPRO stand at the Minnesota State Fair had over 18,000 visitors. Ms. Seiler reported that questions most frequently related to the risks of consuming CWD-infected meat; this statistic highlights the general unawareness about the disease and the ambiguity of its zoonotic potential.

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